The Beaux Arts Houston Calligraphy and Engraving Sarah Batmale


I’m Sarah Batmale. founder of THE BEAUX ARTS. I created The Beaux Arts as a luxury calligraphy, engraving and live event business in 2019 in Houston, Texas. It was named after the French Bakery my Great-Grandfather opened in San Francisco after emigrating to the United States from Southern France at the turn of the 20th century.

The Beaux Arts Houston Calligraphy and Engraving

As a child, I was drawn to beautiful writing and often created new styles of writing for fun. I used my hand lettering to create gifts and cards for the people I loved. The extra effort of creating something unique and personal was a way for me to connect and show my love for them.

Houston Calligraphy engraving and live event artist hot foiling on log book

As a professional calligrapher and engraver, I create unforgettable gifts and one-of-a-kind experiences that connect you to the people, clients, events and memories that are important to you.

Have an idea for a project or event? I’d love to help elevate your vision and make it a reality!